Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Wondering why you are still a slave?

"A highly paid slave is still a slave"

Robert Kiyosaki has co-authored a new book with Donald Trump called "Why We Want You to be Rich". Personally, I think that Trump is a dick and has no taste and in some regards exemplifies what's wrong with North Americans and I wouldn't bother with this book. However, Kiyosaki has a previous book called "Rich dad, poor dad" that takes a deep dive into how to make real money - the big kind. No, not how to land a cushy six figure job, but rather how to own companies, stocks, real estate and investments that work for you so you don't have to. For me this book is a fairly accurate articulation of how the really rich people around me got rich and to a lesser extent how my personal financial successes have been played out. I have some rich friends who are seemingly ordinary people in ordinary houses, driving crappy cars but who make tens of thousands of dollars every single day without lifting a finger - these people's tactics are covered in the same stroke as the slash-and-burn, scorched-earth Trump tactics. The differences between the two being scale and extent of crass public excesses.

There's a free summary of Rich Dad here. And if you are thinking of starting a company, read this before you do anything. And finally, here are some more free book summaries.

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