Those of you that know me probably know that my biggest ambition is not to be Donald Trumps bitch but rather to build the worlds most ginormous catapult/trebuchet.
I'd like to build a smaller one too, to throw people into the lake. To do that and not kill them, I'm going to need this. Here's a video.
A full sized trebuchet generates 20-30Gs so that would prolly kill you in a few dozen milliseconds. I'm figuring 5-10Gs is the limit, even then you might get a black eye or two.
How cool is that?
What a concept. What's up with the b-bomb being used so freely?
what the fuck is a b-bomb?
I think it's like the f-bomb only with a b?
I think I fucking get it mom. Are you fucking saying that nobody fucking swears on the fucking internet?
Only those with little words. Too bad you are so full of rage. Cheeks burning? Head spinning are you a little wound up?
I'd say that she's having a bad day. I heard that nobody swears anymore in California.
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