Monday, March 28, 2005


A couple of minutes ago another massive earthquake registered off of Indonesia on the same fault line as in December. I hope that the results aren't the same.

On a different note, I just had the most awesome weekend in the sun drinking beer, tuning up the motocross and snowboarding with all of the locals. It was especially cool because a whole bunch of folks who have given up snowboarding were back out in the sunshine hitting the tabletops, sliders and generally having a wicked time. My buddy Marc used to be a pro until he took up skidoo'ing a couple of years ago - he got on the hill for the first time in three years and blew all of our socks off. Huge slow switch 360 methods were thrown down on every table. I stayed at the hill for a couple of hours after the lift closed just soaking in the sun and some suds. Wicked weekend.

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